The life of former Cowboys coach Tom Landry was portrayed in this 38 minute documentary film that aired on WFAA-TV (Dallas) on the night the former Cowboys coach died on February 12, 2000. The documentary was honored with a Regional Sports Emmy by the 2001 Heartland...Awards
A unit award for the SportsCentury team based in Westport, Connecticut. Tony Martinez produced 12 of the documentaries for ESPN including two of the highest rated episodes on Jim Thorpe and Mickey Mantle. For 3 consecutive years the SportsCentury unit was honored with...Awards
A unit award from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia, the Peabody is arguably the highest award in television for documentary reporting. The judges singled out the Jim Thorpe documentary, produced by Tony Martinez and Scott...Awards
Selected from more than 500 entries and 25 documentaries in the competitive field, ‘Colors’ was selected for its “riveting example of courage and heroism by the forgotten men of...Awards
No more than 20 films in each competition category were recognized with this esteemed honor. In conferring the honor, Festival Director Joe Coury stated that El Corazon demonstrated excellent and outstanding filmmaking, deserving of special recognition. Fest judges...Awards
The documentary containing over 50 original interviews, tells the history of the Dallas Cowboys. Included are rare interviews with Don Meredith, the team’s original franchise quarterback and many deceased Hall of Fame Cowboys including Tom Landry, Tex Schramm and Bob...